[Mapserver-users] Re: PHP MapScript

Paul Spencer spencer at dmsolutions.ca
Tue Jan 13 18:12:02 PST 2004


you had probably given up hope, but I left your email in my inbox and 
have finally done something about it :)

you can download the package from


The presentation was developed using pres2 which is a php presentation 
system, it is somewhat tricky to get working and I haven't had time to 
set it up again.  When I do, I will export the presentation as a PDF or 

But all the code and stuff is there.



Brian Fischer wrote:

> Paul, I was wondering if you have had a chance to find the materials
> from the workshop.  I was just getting back to you, as you requested in
> your email.
> Thanks,
> Brian
> Brian Fischer
> Houston Engineering, Inc.
> Maple Grove, MN
> (763) 493-4522
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Spencer [mailto:pagameba at magma.ca] 
> Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 11:21 AM
> To: Brian Fischer
> Subject: Re: PHP MapScript
> Brian, my sincere appologies ... I have neglected this task for some 
> time.  Unfortunately, I recently had my laptop stolen, I am not sure 
> where the files are right now.  Please email me again in a few days if I
> don't get back to you.
> Cheers,
> Paul
> Brian Fischer wrote:
>>Hi Paul,
>>I was wondering if you have any documents from the PHP Mapscript 
>>workshop you gave at the MapServer Users meeting in June.  I keep 
>>checking the website but nothing is up there from that workshop.  I
> want 
>>to start learning MapScript and I am looking for all the reference 
>>guides I can find.  If you have any guides or examples from that 
>>workshop, could you send them to me?  I already have everything off
> the 
>>websites that pertains to MapScript.  I guess I am mainly looking for 
>>code examples that I can work through.
>>I don't know if you remember me, but I was one of the guys that golfed
>>in Steve Lime's group.
>>Brian Fischer
>>Houston Engineering, Inc.
>>10900 73rd Ave N, Suite 106
>>Maple Grove, MN 55369
>>ph: (763) 493-4522
>>fax: (763) 493-5572
>>Email: bfischer at houstonengineeringinc.com 
>><mailto:bfischer at houstonengineeringinc.com>
>>Website: www.houstonengineeringinc.com 

|Paul Spencer                           spencer at dmsolutions.ca    |
|Applications & Software Development                              |
|DM Solutions Group Inc                 http://www.dmsolutions.ca/|

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