[Mapserver-users] JBox - Getting started - Small problem

Steve McCrone ms57 at streamyx.com
Sat Jan 17 23:49:55 PST 2004


I'm trying to implement the JBox with the Demo.html sample. I've followed
the instructions contained in -

The gif is generated but does not appear, nor does the rubber-band zoom
rectangle does not appear.

I beleive it is not finging the JBox.class. It looks dead easy, but!!! -
here's what I've added-

function setbox_handler(name, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, redraw) {
document.mapserv.imgbox.value = minx + " " + miny + " " + maxx + " " + maxy;
document.mapserv.imgxy.value = minx + " " + miny;
<form method=GET name = "mapserv" action="/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe">
<applet codebase="Java/JBox" code="jBox.class" width=[mapwidth]
height=[mapheight] name="jBox" MAYSCRIPT>
<param name="image" value="http://[host][img]">
<input type="hidden" name="imgbox" value="-1 -1 -1 -1">

Note: the jbox class etc is in the directory wwwroot/Java/JBox, which is the
main localhost directory. The demo_init.html and demo.html are also in the
wwwroot directory.


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