[Mapserver-users] msPOSTGISLayerWhichShapes() query postgis layer

Sébastien DUBOIS sebastien.dubois at esm2.imt-mrs.fr
Wed Jul 7 07:44:49 PDT 2004

I'm trying to write a function in phpmapscript based on GMapDumpQueryResults
(from gmap) to display query from a postgis layer.

i've found no history about this.

Has someone succeed in writing a query function for a postgis layer (made by
shp2pgsql) in phpmapscript?
i saw in old post the function msPOSTGISLayerWhichShapes()
can someone help me?

yet i work with phpmapscript , javascript and dhtml to draw a box and put the
coordonnates of the rectangle in a hidden input (i'm not working with rosa)

thanks in advance
Sébastien DUBOIS
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