[Mapserver-users] symbol question

Steve Lime steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Tue Jul 13 00:02:01 EDT 2004

I'll see if I can whip up a demo. I've used the technique to place
railroad ties on a line so they would always be perpendicular so I'm
thinkin this is what you want...


>>> "fx gamoy" <fx.gamoy at mapxplore.com> 07/10/04 3:50 AM >>>
thanks for your post
but what is the way to use truetype line symbol in the mapfile?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Lime" <steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us>
To: <fx.gamoy at mapxplore.com>
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 7:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Mapserver-users] symbol question

> You need to look at TrueType line symbols, I believe they
> are rotated
> to match the orientation of a line.
> Steve
> >>> "fx gamoy" <fx.gamoy at mapxplore.com> 7/9/2004 11:11:08 AM >>>
> Hello world,
> i'd like to obtain lines with oriented triangle in order to show the
> direction of a track.
> I have made several test but nothing very interesting..
> thanks in advance..
> fx

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