[Mapserver-users] using URL's in pixmap symbol

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at dmsolutions.ca
Mon Jul 12 22:37:14 PDT 2004

Steve Lime wrote:
> It shouldn't work, but it shouldn't blow up either. If you do get a segfault or something particularly nasty then please file a bug so that it gets addressed. 
> There are not immediate plans to add this functionality, so only local images may be accessed. The place to add this is in mapsymbol.c in the function msAddImageSymbol(). One would need to leverage lubcurl to read the image and somehow turn it into a GD image internally. It's be really nice if GD supported this itself!

Hint: you'd want to call msHTTPGetFile() (maphttp.c) to fetch the image 
before passing it to GD.

Note that doing this will slow down you map draws if you fetch the image 
on every request, so you should pass the parameter 
bCheckLocalCache=MS_TRUE to msHTTPGetFile(). If CheckLocalCache==MS_TRUE 
then if the output file already exists then is is not downloaded again, 
and status 242 is returned.

  Daniel Morissette               dmorissette at dmsolutions.ca
  DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/

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