[Mapserver-users] JOIN problem

Dylan Keon keon at nacse.org
Wed Jul 14 11:19:34 PDT 2004

There is a good explanation of EXPRESSION at

Make sure your attribute name is *exactly* as it appears in the DBF 
file, as they are case sensitive.

Also, it should probably be
     EXPRESSION ([Disfchmt_R] <= .021)
instead of
     EXPRESSION ('[Disfchmt_R]' <= .021)
(remove the single quotation marks).


On 07/14/2004 10:50 AM, Randy James wrote:
> Hi Rebecca
> I know a bit about regex but there are people on the list
> that know way more than me so i am forwarding your email to
> the list. Its a good idea to reply to the list rather than
> the person who is try to give a bit of advice; that way the
> whole list can give feedback.
> Randy
> --- Rebecca Colwell <colwell at geog.umn.edu> wrote:
>>Hey Randy,
>>I'm struggling to understand how to make things work that
>>I didn't come 
>>across in the tutorial.  Would you mind breaking down the
>>terms regex 
>>and filter a bit for me, and maybe give me an example of
>>what you mean? 
>>  I'm experiencing that newbie/lost feeling (I've been
>>trying to figure 
>>this out on my own for the last few days).
>>PS  Should I continue sending this dialog to the whole
>>list or just you? 
>>  I'm new with listserv etiquette too.
>>Randy James wrote:
>>>That it is not a join problem but maybe a regex problem
>>>something else with the filter.
>>>--- Rebecca Colwell <colwell at geog.umn.edu> wrote: > Hey
>>>>Yes, it displays my US shapefile when I comment out
>>>>line.  What 
>>>>does this tell you?
>>>>Randy James wrote:
>>>>>Will it work if you do not filter it by 'Disfchmt_R' ?
>>>>>--- Rebecca Colwell <colwell at geog.umn.edu> wrote: >
>>>>>>I'm trying to work through building one of my first
>>>>>>files, and have 
>>>>>>hit a wall.  I can't seem to figure out how to do a
>>>>>>one-to-one join.  I 
>>>>>>keep getting the error messages:
>>>>>>msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw
>>>>>>named 'states'.
>>>>>>msDBFGetItemIndex(): DBASE file error. Item
>>>>>>not found.
>>>>>>I triple checked the .dbf I'm trying to join, and
>>>>>>the name of 
>>>>>>the attribute field I want to access.
>>>>>>Below is my short bit of code so far.  I would be so
>>>>>>thankful if anyone 
>>>>>>could guide me in the right direction on how to get
>>>>>> IMAGETYPE      PNG24
>>>>>> EXTENT         -2153561.581984760 4847233.565621579
>>>>>> SIZE           800 500
>>>>>> SHAPEPATH      "data"
>>>>>> IMAGECOLOR     203 201 226
>>>>>>   "proj=laea"
>>>>>>   "ellps=clrk66"
>>>>>>   "lat_0=45"
>>>>>>   "lon_0=-100"
>>>>>> END
>>>>>> # Start of LAYER DEFINITIONS 
>>>>>> LAYER # States polygon layer begins here
>>>>>>   NAME         states
>>>>>>   DATA         STATES
>>>>>>   STATUS       DEFAULT
>>>>>>   TYPE         POLYGON
>>>>>>     "init=epsg:4326"
>>>>>>   END
>>>>>>   JOIN
>>>>>>   	NAME 	"Felon Ethnicity"
>>>>>>	TABLE	"data/FelonEthnicity.dbf"
>>>>>>	TO 	"STATE"
>>>>>>   	TYPE 	single
>>>>>>   END #Join
>>>>>>   CLASS
>>>>>>	NAME "<21%"
>>>>>>	EXPRESSION ('[Disfchmt_R]' <= .021)
>>>>>>	COLOR 242 240 247
>>>>>>	OUTLINECOLOR 200 200 200
>>>>>>     COLOR        232 232 232
>>>>>>     OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32
>>>>>>   END
>>>>>> END # States polygon layer ends here
>>>>>>END # end of map file/object

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