[Mapserver-users] WFS / PostGIS Problem

Perry Casson perry.casson at waypointinfo.com
Thu Jul 15 20:57:00 PDT 2004

We have some line objects stored in a postgres database and are finding 
the  WFS returned XML is not what we are expecting to see.

Problem #1 is  the returned data  only contains only the start point 
coordinate pair and not the end point coordinates of the LineString.

Problem #2 is the bounding box returned is the coordinate system of the 
native postgis layer but the actual LineString coordinates returned are  
in the projection of the map.  I would expect everything to be in map 
coordinates or I'm  I wrong here.

We are running Mapserver version 4.2.1 under both XP and Linux and both 
return the same data.


Perry Casson

Here's a  sample of the XML data returned that show the two issues.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>

<wfs:FeatureCollection xmlns="*http://www.ttt.org/myns*" 
../wfs/1.0.0/WFS-basic.xsd http://www.ttt.org/myns 


<gml:Box srsName="*EPSG:42304*">

* * <gml:coordinates>*-105.479360,50.433540 

* * </gml:Box>

* * </gml:boundedBy>




<gml:Box srsName="*EPSG:42304*">

* * <gml:coordinates>*-104.653650,50.437610 

* * </gml:Box>

* * </gml:boundedBy>


<gml:LineString srsName="*EPSG:42304*">

* * <gml:coordinates>*-679528.077035,211127.832393*</gml:coordinates>

* * </gml:LineString>

* * </gml:lineStringProperty>

* * <id>*28901*</id>

* * <esn>*0402026*</esn>

* * <identifier>*Perry-1*</identifier>

* * <gpstime>*2004-04-29 15:50:00*</gpstime>

* * <vehicletype>*HCP*</vehicletype>

* * </TRACK>

* * </gml:featureMember>




<gml:Box srsName="*EPSG:42304*">

* * <gml:coordinates>*-104.909750,50.437770 

* * </gml:Box>

* * </gml:boundedBy>


<gml:LineString srsName="*EPSG:42304*">

* * <gml:coordinates>*-679554.039981,211149.712427*</gml:coordinates>

* * </gml:LineString>

* * </gml:lineStringProperty>

* * <id>*28904*</id>

* * <esn>*0402026*</esn>

* * <identifier>*Perry-1*</identifier>

* * <gpstime>*2004-04-29 16:06:00*</gpstime>

* * <vehicletype>*WATERBOMBERS*</vehicletype>

* * </TRACK>

* * </gml:featureMember>


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