[Mapserver-users] null values in postgis

Kathi Koebke koebke at zadi.de
Fri Jul 16 02:24:05 PDT 2004


does anybody know about problems displaying null values in mapserver ? I 
'm working with Postgresql/postgis and I have emtpty fields (missing 
values) in my tables.
I want to classify the data and I have to display missing values in my 
map.  EXPRESSION ([ha_ges] is null) did not work .
Any Ideas?!
Thanks Kathi Köbke

Kathi Köbke
Projektkoordinatorin ENV

ZADI - Zentralstelle für
Agrardokumentation und -information
Villichgasse 17, D-53177 Bonn, Germany

Tel: +49 (228) 95 48 406
Fax: +49 (228) 95 48 111

E-Mail: koebke at zadi.de

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