[Mapserver-users] Need Urgent Help on PHP/MapScript >> ms_newPointObj()

Ishrar Hussain ishrarh at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 19 08:52:02 PDT 2004

Please give me an example code showing how to use
PointObj class, i.e. ms_newPointObj(), to dynamically
draw a point over an already created instance of
MapObj, which have been instantiated with a static
.map file.

Using Maplab, I have created my web mapping
application, which successfully published my shape
files in 4 layers. The map is now static. And over
this map, I need to draw with PHP/MapScript a new
layer that will hold one dynamic point, whose
coordinates I will be retrieving from a database using
PHP. (I am editing the drawmap.php file in the wrapper
folder for this.)

Note that, I don't want to have this new layer
definition in my map file, which will make the layer
static. I also cannot use any database connection in
the mapfile (postgis or postgre or mygis). Thus,
PHP/MapScript's PointObj is my only choice.

So, if possible, let me know whether PointObj can be
used to dynamically draw a point like this over a
MapObj, which is already instantiated with a map file
having 4 layer definitions.

Any detailed example code showing how to use PointObj
will do.
Thank you.

- Ishrar

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