[Mapserver-users] Changing Colors in Map !!

Satyajit satyajit.gantayat at aurovision.com
Wed Jul 21 23:13:16 PDT 2004

Thanks Steve....Saw the posting in the list related to my problem. Shall
try using the line with my raster file. Lets hope it gives a better
result. But I still wonder whether I should use a single dummy layer
with multiple classes or a number of dummy layers with one class in each
Shall get back to you once I do the modification in my map file.

Thanks again.


-----Original Message-----
From: mapserver-users-admin at lists.gis.umn.edu
[mailto:mapserver-users-admin at lists.gis.umn.edu] On Behalf Of Stephen
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 5:38 PM
To: Satyajit
Cc: 'ANDY CANFIELD'; girish.shewale at aurovision.com;
mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
Subject: Re: [Mapserver-users] Changing Colors in Map !!

Hi Satyajit,

Since the problem is that you are overflowing the browser lookup table 
there is not guarantee that this method will work. When I did this I 
have a few colors that were changing so I only used the dummy layers to 
protect them.

I also notice that you have a RASTER layer. It is possible that this is 
the layer that is using up all the colors. Try adding the following to 


and see if that helps.

Satyajit wrote:

> Hi Steve and Andy,
>            I tried Steve's method of adding dummy layers to my map 
> file. But I don't see any significant improvement in the "changing 
> color" problem. My map still behaves the same. I am using a lot of 
> colors in my map. Since I have some 39 layers in my map, there are 
> more than 40 unique colors used in the map (outline colors also 
> count). Do I have to use these 40 colors in the dummy layers i.e. 40 
> dummy layers have to be created ?? I tried using only 10 dummy layers 
> with only one class in each of them. Will my problem be solved if I 
> use a single dummy layer with 40 classes added in it ? The legend 
> problem has been solved. As Steve used HTML legend stuff, I am also 
> using a HTML legend stuff. Hence I have control over the legend.
> I can choose which layers to be shown in the legend. 		
> I am attaching my map file with this mail. The part of map file which 
> Steve has given in his mail ( which is also in the bug list at this 
> place http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=306) seems to 
> be of a different version. When I tried to copy the same to my map 
> file it didn't work. I just added a "Style" object in my "Class" 
> object with only a color entity in it. Please have a look at the map 
> file.
> Waiting for your replies.
> Regards
> ~sat.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mapserver-users-admin at lists.gis.umn.edu
> [mailto:mapserver-users-admin at lists.gis.umn.edu] On Behalf Of ANDY 
> Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 6:50 PM
> To: woodbri at swoodbridge.com; satyajit.gantayat at aurovision.com
> Cc: girish.shewale at aurovision.com; mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
> Subject: Re: [Mapserver-users] Changing Colors in Map !!
> Yes, I believe there is a way to do what you want. I have a legend on 
> the side of my maps that I generate on the fly by looping through the 
> layers of
> the map and adding each layer to the legend as the loop progresses as
> check 
> boxes with the layer name so the user can turn off or on the layers.
> This allows the legend to be dynamic so no matter what the layers are 
> in any map I always get a uniformly formatted legend with no code 
> changes.
> I have a cosmetic layer much like the layer you are describing that I 
> use to copy for placing geocoded points on the map. The users are 
> geocoding from
> multiple text files so I want different colored points for each file
> they 
> can compare the results of the files. That's why I use copies of that 
> cosmetic layer so I can use it's symbols and only have to change the
> color.
> I don't want the users to have access to these cosmetic layer copies 
> that are created on the fly. So I make that the first layer and my 
> loop through
> the layers starts at layer 1 rather than layer 0 so the first layer
> never 
> shows up in the legend. You could do the same thing with as many
> cosmetic or 
> contruction layers as you wanted just be sure to start your loop one
> beyond 
> the last "invisible" layer.
>>From: Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri at swoodbridge.com>
>>To: Satyajit <satyajit.gantayat at aurovision.com>
>>CC: Girish <girish.shewale at aurovision.com>,        MapServer List 
>><mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu>
>>Subject: Re: [Mapserver-users] Changing Colors in Map !!
>>Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2004 08:16:59 -0400
>>You raise a good issue. I don't usually display legends, but have used
>>Legend stuff that allows you a lot of control over your legends and I
> think
>>you can eliminate layers on a named basis. which might work for you.
>>Please add a comment to the bug referenced below about this problem. I
>>that the developers will tackle this problem but it helps to have a 
>>complete picture of the problem and issues and their work arounds.
>>-Steve W
>>Satyajit wrote:
>>>Hi Steve,
>>>      Thanks a lot for the info. I have not tried your method yet but
>>>shall try it very soon. And let you know the result. I have a 
>>>in my mind though. When we add a dummy layer in our map and add
>>>classes to it ( to preserve the colors ..as you said), the layer will

>>>be shown in the legend in the browser. That dummy layer in the legend

>>>might confuse the end user as that layer's features won't be easily 
>>>visible in the map and of course that layer doesn't have much meaning

>>>to it. Is there any way by which I can add that layer in my map file 
>>>with all the classes but still make it invisible in the legend ? 
>>>Thanks a lot again steve. Shall get back to you after modifying my
>>>Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>>>>I think I may have created a feature and inserted a one pixel dot on
>>>>the map that gets covers by later layers. Play with it and if you 
>>>>have a problem let me know and I can dig through old mapfiles and 
>>>>find out
>>>>I did it.
>>>Here are some examples of preserving the colors in a symbol that were

>>>changing. The big problem with this approach is that it uses up a lot
> of
>>>layers, so you might try using one layer with lots of classes, but 
>>>sure it that will work.
>>>The bug for this problem is:
>>>   http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=306
>>>I just updated it with this information.
>>>## dummy layer to protect symbol colors from changing
>>>   LAYER
>>>     NAME "color_symbol"
>>>     TYPE point
>>>     TRANSFORM false
>>>     FEATURE
>>>       POINTS
>>>         1 1
>>>       END
>>>     END
>>>     CLASS
>>>       SYMBOL "color_symbol"
>>>       COLOR 0 0 0
>>>     END
>>>   END
>>>## protect other colors
>>>   LAYER
>>>     NAME blue
>>>     TYPE point
>>>     TRANSFORM false
>>>     FEATURE
>>>       POINTS
>>>         1 1
>>>       END
>>>     END
>>>     CLASS
>>>       COLOR 0 0 255
>>>     END
>>>   END
>>>   LAYER
>>>     NAME green
>>>     TYPE point
>>>     TRANSFORM false
>>>     FEATURE
>>>       POINTS
>>>         1 1
>>>       END
>>>     END
>>>     CLASS
>>>       COLOR 8 206 107
>>>     END
>>>   END
> Satyajit wrote :
> Dear Users,
>             Thanks a million to all the users who gave me their 
> valuable suggestions while building site. Without the help of this 
> group it would have been impossible for me to build such a nice site (

> I hope you too find it nice). Though my map is smoothly running, I 
> have a strange problem in my hands. The data layers in my map are 
> changing colors while browsing through them. The change in color 
> happens randomly at some zoom levels. At times the colors of the data 
> layer match with the colors in the map. You can check out this site 
> . Normally the data is shown in the 
> color specified in the map file. But when I try to zoom in the data 
> layers seem to take the colors of different other data layers. And it 
> create a whole lot of confusion. I can't really find any reason for 
> this. Any ideas ?
> Sat
> Sr. Specialist - GIS

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