[Mapserver-users] Virtual Spatial Data and SQL query

ludovic gnemmi l_gnemmi at yahoo.fr
Fri Jul 23 11:04:14 EDT 2004

Hi all,
I'm trying to set up a dynamic virtual spatial data
connection to map X,Y coordinates (from a Mysql odbc
connection) with OGR and phpmapscript.
It works with a simple sql query like:
<SrcSQL>SELECT * FROM table WHERE ...</SrcSQL>
but doesn't work with a more complicated query with
several tables and arithmetics operators (produce an
apache error).
I saw on the MapserverWiki:virtual spatial data
tutorial that the latest version of the OGR ODBC
driver passes the SQL directly to the ODBC driver. So
i don't undestand why my query doesn't work...ODBC
datasource is working properly, i've tested with
success this sort of query with a direct ODBC client
(Winsql-ODBC). Has anybody got an idea?
I'm working on windows with the last release of
Thanks a lot.

Ludovic Gnemmi


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