[Mapserver-users] Verify UMN 4.2 Binaries Work?

Yewondwossen Assefa assefa at dmsolutions.ca
Fri Jul 23 12:23:26 EDT 2004

There are also some mapserver windows binaries at maptools.org that you 
can try :


David Fawcett wrote:

> More info.  
> I couldn't get any useful info from the MS log or server log.  
> When I run mapserv.exe -v from command line, I get an error that
> indicates that the 'MSVCR71.dll is missing.  Should this be included
> with the binary distribution?  
> David.
> PS.  Are there any other similar 4.2 binary distributions out there? 
> DM?
> David J. Fawcett
> MN Office of Environmental Assistance
>>>>"David Fawcett" <David.Fawcett at state.mn.us> 7/23/2004 9:45:13 AM
> Can anyone verify that the MS 4.2.0 binaries located at
> http://hypnos.cbs.umn.edu/projects/downloads/ms42pg.zip work?  
> I downloaded them today and put them on my Webserver.  When I send a
> basic 'mode=map' request to the 4.0 beta mapserver on the server, I
> get
> the image that I am expecting.  When I send the same request to 4.2.0,
> I
> get the famed 'The specified CGI application misbehaved by not
> returning
> a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:' error.
> Thanks, 
> David.
> David J. Fawcett
> MN Office of Environmental Assistance
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Assefa Yewondwossen
Software Analyst

Email: assefa at dmsolutions.ca

Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14)
Fax:   (613) 565-0925

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