[Mapserver-users] PostgIS Layer & MapServer4

Steven Monai stevem at spatialmapping.com
Fri Jul 23 17:06:18 EDT 2004


Since removing the EXPRESSION gave no results, maybe the problem is with
your spatial data. You gave this as an example of a typical point geometry
in your database:

  SRID=26716;POINT( 1797821 298364)

SRID 26716 refers to the UTM coordinate system, Zone 16. If your example is
accurate, then I think I do see a problem. UTM coordinates are given in x/y
pairs called eastings and northings (respectively), measured in meters. The
way the UTM coordinate-system works, you should rarely (if ever) see
eastings (x coordinates) greater than 1,000,000. Furthermore, your example
point lies only 298 km north of the equator (roughly 298,000 meters), which
seems unlikely. Are your points' eastings and northings transposed?

Try this: Update your point geometry with the following SQL query:

update data_specimen set bbox =
GeometryFromText('POINT (' || Y(bbox) || ' ' || X(bbox) || ')', 26716)
where bbox is not null;

This should swap the points' x and y coordinates, and may (hopefully) help
you along.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jerod Clabaugh [mailto:jclabaugh at mac.com]
> Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 1:33 PM
> To: Steven Monai
> Cc: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
> Subject: RE: [Mapserver-users] PostgIS Layer & MapServer4
> Steven:
> Thanks but none of this worked.  Using a regular expression, not
> using an expression at all, using 'genus' as CLASSITEM in the layer.
> No errors, but no data shows up though there are 3 data points for
> 'Aristolochia' in the database.
> I have verified that you can name a geometry column something other
> than the classic 'the_geom' as well.  I have the GIST and oid indices
> on the table as well.
> Any other ideas?  It either can't or isn't pulling the data out
> of the table.
> Cheers,
> Jerod

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