[Mapserver-users] Virtual Spatial Data and SQL query
ludovic gnemmi
l_gnemmi at yahoo.fr
Sun Jul 25 06:27:39 PDT 2004
--- Frank Warmerdam <warmerdam at pobox.com> a écrit : >
ludovic gnemmi wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I'm trying to set up a dynamic virtual spatial
> data
> > connection to map X,Y coordinates (from a Mysql
> odbc
> > connection) with OGR and phpmapscript.
> > It works with a simple sql query like:
> > <SrcSQL>SELECT * FROM table WHERE ...</SrcSQL>
> > but doesn't work with a more complicated query
> with
> > several tables and arithmetics operators (produce
> an
> > apache error).
> > I saw on the MapserverWiki:virtual spatial data
> > tutorial that the latest version of the OGR ODBC
> > driver passes the SQL directly to the ODBC driver.
> So
> > i don't undestand why my query doesn't work...ODBC
> > datasource is working properly, i've tested with
> > success this sort of query with a direct ODBC
> client
> > (Winsql-ODBC). Has anybody got an idea?
> > I'm working on windows with the last release of
> > mapserver-mapscript.
> > Thanks a lot.
> Ludovic,
> Have you tried your ovf file with ogrinfo.exe? It
> might be easier to get
> respectible debug information this way. Indeed the
> VRT layer does pass
> on SrcSQL directives to the underlying driver, and
> the OGR ODBC driver should
> just pass it off to the ODBC driver for the database
> in question.
> Best regards,
> --
> I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank
> Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
> light and sound - activate the windows |
> http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
> and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial
> Programmer for Rent
Thanks a lot for your answer.
Everything is ok when i try my ovf file with
ogrinfo.exe and when i use it with mapscript
($layer->set("connection", "myovf.ovf")).even with a
big query..The problem appear when i use a connection
string instead of an ovf file with this sort of query
(need to build it dynamically).
It makes crash Apache...when i make shorter this query
mapserver return this error: Error in msBuildPath():
(SELECT...)path is too long.
exple of connection string:
<OGRVRTLayer name='batiment'>
<SrcDataSource>ODBC:root at DSN</SrcDataSource>
db. *,
coeffstructure.coeffMin * 1.25 AS coeffminstructure,
coeffstructure.coeffMax * 1.25 AS coeffmaxstructure,
coeffstructure.coeffMoy * 1.25 AS coeffmoystructure,
coeffenvironnement.coeffMin * 0.75 AS coeffminenv,
coeffenvironnement.coeffMax * 0.75 AS coeffmaxenv,
coeffenvironnement.coeffMoy * 0.75 AS coeffmoyenv,
coeffregelevation.coeffMin * 0.75 AS coeffminelev,
coeffregelevation.coeffMax * 0.75 AS coeffmaxelev,
coeffregelevation.coeffMoy * 0.75 AS coeffmoyelev,
coefftoiture.coeffMin * 0.25 AS coeffmintoit,
coefftoiture.coeffMax * 0.25 AS coeffmaxtoit,
coefftoiture.coeffMoy * 0.25 AS coeffmoytoit,
coeffregplan.coeffMin * 0.5 AS coeffminplan,
coeffregplan.coeffMax * 0.5 AS coeffmaxplan,
coeffregplan.coeffMoy * 0.5 AS coeffmoyplan,
( coeffstructure.coeffMin * 1.25 +
coeffenvironnement.coeffMin * 0.75 +
coeffregelevation.coeffMin * 0.75 +
coefftoiture.coeffMin * 0.25 + coeffregplan.coeffMin *
0.5 ) AS coeffmin,
( coeffstructure.coeffMax * 1.25 +
coeffenvironnement.coeffMax * 0.75 +
coeffregelevation.coeffMax * 0.75 +
coefftoiture.coeffMax * 0.25 + coeffregplan.coeffMax *
0.5 ) AS coeffmax FROM batiment b, descriptionbatiment
db, coeffregplan, coeffregelevation, coefftoiture,
coeffenvironnement, coeffstructure
coeffstructure.materiau = db.Construction AND
coeffstructure.epoque = db.DateConstruction AND
coeffenvironnement.natureTerrain = db.Rocher AND
coeffenvironnement.penteTerrain = db.Terrain AND
coeffenvironnement.materiau = db.Construction AND
coeffenvironnement.nbEtages = db.Etage AND
coefftoiture.toiture = db.Toiture AND
coeffregelevation.materiau = db.Construction AND
coeffregelevation.regEleve = db.RegulariteElevation
coeffregplan.regPlan = db.RegularitePlan AND
coeffregplan.materiau = db.Construction AND
db.id_batiment = batiment.id AND
batiment.id_ZoneHomogene = 1</SrcSQL>
<GeometryField encoding='PointFromColumns'
x='X_LambertIII' y='Y_LambertIII'/>
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