[Mapserver-users] off topic - urgent help needed (ArcIMS +Tomcat +Apache)

Martin Tomko mtomko at sunrise.sli.unimelb.edu.au
Wed Jul 28 18:30:24 PDT 2004

Hi list!
I am seeking a help here because even google failed. I have to 
unvolountarily install ArcIMS (for demonstration only, we developm on 
To keep the list quiet, please, reply to my address, not to the list. Thanks!

I am getting desperate and I seek somebody having experience with the 
combination ArcIMS (4), Apache and Tomcat. (I have found bart's web site, 
but it is for older versions of the two and doesn't work anyway... :((  My 
problem is that ArcIMS complains that it cannot communicate with Tomcat. I 
have narrowed down the problem to the correct configuration of mod_jk, to 
make the two communicate. (Both work fine on a standalone basis). Could you 
please give me a hint about the correct combination of versions and the 
configuration of httpd.conf, and server.xml?? I am working on Windows XP. I 
have the following versions of software available:
Apache 1.3.31
Apache 2.0.49
Apache 2.0.48
mod_jk2.dll 2.0.48
mod_jk.dll (dunno which version.. might be the problem...)
Tomcat 3.3.2
Tomcat 4.1.30
ArcIMS 4.
I have spent weeks searching on the web, googling, searching google groups 
and so on... It seems that there are lots of people having this sort of 
problem, not only ArcIMS connected...

Thanks for any help!! Snippets of httpd.conf, server.xml, a correct dll, 
anything!! This is the best list I have ever been to, so I give my destiny 
in your hands once again :))

Ing. Martin Tomko
PhD. candidate

CRC for Spatial Information
Department of Geomatics
University of Melbourne
Victoria 3010

phone +61 3 8344 9179
fax   +61 3 9349 5185
email m.tomko at pgrad.unimelb.edu.au
url   http://www.geom.unimelb.edu.au/tomko
url   http://www.spatialinformationscience.org
url   http://www.spatialinfocrc.org

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