[Mapserver-users] OT: vmap0 text?

Nick Johnson arachnid at notdot.net
Thu Jul 29 16:31:33 PDT 2004

Is anyone familiar with the placement and format of text in the VMAP0 
format? I've converted it all to shapefile format, but I'm trying to 
seperate out country, region, city, town and place names, and can't seem 
to achieve that. Multiple layers have text, but there seems to be no 
distinction between the different types of label. Also, mapsever seems 
to display labels selectively - phystxt seems to have country names 
(repeated several times!), but when I tell mapserver to display them, it 
instead displays other labels with similar coordinates and skips the 
country names altogether. Does anyone have advice on how to seperate out 
the different levels of name?
Also, names seem to be in upper-case for the most part. Can anyone point 
me to a tool for turning these into Initial Caps?
Alternatively, does anyone know where I can get a (free) database of 

-Nick Johnson

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