[Mapserver-users] mapscript.i question

Robert Thibadeau rht at cs.cmu.edu
Fri Jul 30 18:41:11 EDT 2004

>From the 4.2.1 release the perl mapscript readme says:

If the mapscript_wrap.c file does not exist, copy the mapscript.i file
into this directory and run 'swig -shadow -perl5 mapscript.i'. If you do
not have swig, be sure to install the **SWIG Version 1.1 (Build 883)** not
1.3.x development release.

Swig 1.1 fails on

%typemap(memberin,warning="451:Setting const char * member may leak
memory.") const char * {
  if ($input) {
     $1 = ($1_type) malloc(strlen($input)+1);
  } else {
     $1 = 0;
and the like with a input syntax error which the second arg in the typemap
(warning ...) seems to spring.
However, using the
SWIG Version 1.3.21
Copyright (c) 1995-1998
University of Utah and the Regents of the University of California
Copyright (c) 1998-2003
University of Chicago
Compiled with g++ [i686-pc-linux-gnu]

does not throw the error.

This is kind of a catch 22: using the preferred swig throws an input syntax
and using the wrong compiles (at least).  What should I believe?  What is
with swig 1.3?

regards, Bob

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