[Mapserver-users] architecture mapsserver/ jbox

Richard Greenwood rich at greenwoodmap.com
Tue Jun 1 06:43:57 PDT 2004

Sébastien DUBOIS wrote:

> what's the architecture of jbox in fact?
> we're agree that with have an applet java.
> is it possible to interface this with a servlet serveur such tomcat?

jBox runs entirely on the client (browser). jBox uses Liveconnect to 
allow communication between client-side javascript and the Java applet.

> in other words , can i code (with such a tool as phpmapscript??) such that when
> I right click on my applet a list of choice appears.

At this time, jBox does not distinguish between right and left mouse 
clicks. Phpmapscript runs on the server, so I am not clear on how that 
would work.

> is there an api, library?

Yes. The only formal documentation is in the HOWTO on the mapserver 
doc's page. There are also a lot of comments in the Java source.

> how communicate jbox when i select some points.
> is there a call to the shape file on the server? the architecture is not very
> clear for me...

Primarily jBox was designed just to provide the screen coordinates of a 
rectangle defined by a user's mouse drag. Depending on mode (browse or 
query) mapserver will use the rectangle coordinates to zoom or do a 
spatial query.

> in other words about mapserver.
> when i overview some typical point of my shape file using jbox.
> i can easily display the points i've taked in a html page with their attributes
> but how just change their color or create a new database with them??

Richard Greenwood

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