[Mapserver-users] How do I get the extent values?

Eduardo Patto Kanegae eduardo at consultoria.eti.br
Tue Jun 1 11:30:02 PDT 2004

Using the latest shapelib package( http://shapelib.maptools.org ), try:

$ shpdump -h theshapefile.shp # -h = header info only

this sould display the header shapefile information which has the info you want...

or you could also:

$ shpdump theshapefile.shp > dump.txt

then, open 'dump.txt' ... at the lines 3 and 4 you will get the MinX, MinY and MaxX, MaxY data.


Eduardo Patto Kanegae
UIN: 303747254

I Encontro Nacional de Usuários MapServer - http://mapserver.cttmar.univali.br/encontro2004
Projeto MapServer Brasil - http://mapserver.cttmar.univali.br

***Fim da Mensagem / End of Message ***

On Tue, 1 Jun 2004 10:47:51 -0700, "Namnath, Sharyn" <NamnatSR at nv.doe.gov> escreveu:

> De: "Namnath, Sharyn" <NamnatSR at nv.doe.gov>
> Data: Tue, 1 Jun 2004 10:47:51 -0700
> Para: "'mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu'"	<mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu>
> Assunto: [Mapserver-users] How do I get the extent values?
> I am trying to show my map using MapServer & PHP.  However, I can't seem to
> figure out how to get the extent valuies
> Here is my .map file
>     IMAGETYPE      PNG
>     EXTENT 0 0 4000 3000
>     SIZE 400 300
>     WEB
>         IMAGEPATH "/Inetpub/wwwroot/MyOwnData/tmp/"
>         IMAGEURL "tmp/"
>     END
> LAYER # MODIS raster layer begins here
>   NAME         Italy
>   DATA         "data/Italy.jpg"
>   TYPE         RASTER
>   PROCESSING   "BANDS=1,2,3"
>   OFFSITE      71 74 65
>     "init=epsg:4326"
>   END
> END # MODIS raster layer ends here
> In the MapServer tutorial, it says that I can use ArcView to determine the
> extent. I have ArcView, but I still can't figure out how to get the extent
> in it.  I've tried a couple of different values from Area Of Interest
> (Display & View), but none of those seem to work either.
> Thanks for any help in advance,
> Sharyn

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