[Mapserver-users] Mapserver GML valid?
Yewondwossen Assefa
assefa at dmsolutions.ca
Fri Jun 4 07:13:51 PDT 2004
I have made the changes to point vers the 2.1.2.
There is though still a problem validating these using XML SPY. We
have run into this problem previously but did not come up with an
explanation : usally I do the validations using the following OGC site
http://cite.occamlab.com/gmlTools/validateInstance.jsp. When running
the same "valid" XML through XML SPY, we get the error you got.
The problem seems to be that XMP Spy seems to not read or cannot get the
DescribeFeatureType schema. If you save that schema into a local file
and modify your XML to point to this local file, It validates through
XML Spy. I still do not have a reasonable explanation for this (but I
really do not know much either about XML Spy and what and what not is
> Hi list,
> I was just checking Mapserver GML in XML Spy and I get and error. I am
> using Mapserver 4.2.
> The error I get is:
> Mandatory element 'gml:_Feature' expected in place of Gemeentes.
> In the DescribeFeatureType response there is another problem (but maybe
> this is the cause of the first problem as well?):
> the URL to the GML schema is:
> http://ogc.dmsolutions.ca/gml/2.1.1/feature.xsd
> This one does not exist anymore, the 2.1.2 feature schema does exist
> though. The version number is hardcoded in mapwfs.c.
> Anybody else experiencing these (validation) errors?
> Best regards,
> Bart
> --
> annex 1: part of my GetFeature response
> <gml:featureMember>
> <Gemeentes>
> <gml:boundedBy>
> <gml:Box srsName="EPSG:28992">
> <gml:coordinates>
> 128558.900000,499724.500000 134533.400000,504609.100000
> </gml:coordinates>
> </gml:Box>
> </gml:boundedBy>
> <gml:polygonProperty>
> <gml:Polygon srsName="EPSG:28992">
> <gml:outerBoundaryIs>
> <gml:LinearRing>
> <gml:coordinates>
> 130401.300000,503894.099900
> 130579.500000,503799.700000 131548.000100,503660.100000
> 131489.700000,503858.000100 131773.100000,503932.700000
> 131865.299900,503957.200000 133099.299900,504609.100000
> 133209.000000,503977.500000 133441.100100,503733.100000
> 133588.099900,503473.100000 133861.299900,503540.300000
> 133861.299900,503540.300000 133739.700100,503372.699900
> 133760.600000,503139.200000 134174.500100,502917.000100
> 134230.899900,502735.900100 134384.800100,502258.900000
> 134533.400000,501841.800000 134216.599900,501423.499900
> 133983.900100,500917.300000 134003.299900,500788.400000
> 133575.500000,500471.900100 133399.400000,500240.300100
> 133139.800100,500297.000000 133139.800100,500297.000000
> 133069.900000,500287.900000 133057.400100,500369.900000
> 133057.400100,500369.900000 132947.700000,500323.300100
> 132906.199900,500143.199900 132795.700100,500081.500100
> 132776.900000,499981.900100 132728.600000,499724.500000
> 132585.400100,499766.800100 132679.000100,500372.900100
> 132679.000100,500372.900100 131675.199900,500164.400000
> 130918.799900,500093.699900 130714.099900,499988.699900
> 130378.899900,499801.400100 130024.900000,499980.300100
> 128558.900000,500826.300000 129112.200100,501755.900100
> 130401.300000,503894.099900 </gml:coordinates>
> </gml:LinearRing>
> </gml:outerBoundaryIs>
> </gml:Polygon>
> </gml:polygonProperty>
> <GEMNR>385</GEMNR>
> <GEMNAAM>Edam-Volendam</GEMNAAM>
> <GROEI_>0.04</GROEI_>
> <PROVNAAM>Noord-Holland</PROVNAAM>
> <COROPNAAM>Groot-Amsterdam</COROPNAAM>
> <CEBUCONAAM>Amsterdam-Purmerend</CEBUCONAAM>
> <EGG>057</EGG>
> <EGGNAAM>Waterland</EGGNAAM>
> <RBA>10</RBA>
> <RBANAAM>Zuidelijk Noord-Holland</RBANAAM>
> <WM61>34</WM61>
> <WM55>34</WM55>
> <POLITIENM>Zaanstreek-Waterland</POLITIENM>
> <NLGE_R98_I>136</NLGE_R98_I>
> </Gemeentes>
> </gml:featureMember>
> --
> annex 2: part of my DescribeFeatureType response
> <schema
> targetNamespace="http://www.ttt.org/myns"
> xmlns:myns="http://www.ttt.org/myns"
> xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc"
> xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
> xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
> xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml"
> elementFormDefault="qualified" version="0.1" >
> <import namespace="http://www.opengis.net/gml"
> schemaLocation="http://ogc.dmsolutions.ca/gml/2.1.1/feature.xsd" />
> <element name="Gemeentes"
> type="myns:Gemeentes_Type"
> substitutionGroup="gml:_Feature" />
> <complexType name="Gemeentes_Type">
> <complexContent>
> <extension base="gml:AbstractFeatureType">
> <sequence>
> <element ref="gml:polygonProperty" minOccurs="0" />
> <element name="GEMCODE" type="string" />
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Assefa Yewondwossen
Software Analyst
Email: assefa at dmsolutions.ca
Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14)
Fax: (613) 565-0925
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