[Mapserver-users] Use php/mapscript init the mapobj

Norbert Thieme norbert.thieme at ilmenau.baw.de
Mon Jun 7 00:12:15 PDT 2004

Liangxu Wang schrieb:
> Hi,
>   Is there a way to display the vector and raster data using by php/mapscript,but not define in the map file?
> I notice that the  MapObj Class Constructor use a initial map file. So,if I can do a null constructor,and then init the mapobj value by my php/mapscript ?
> Thanks.
> wlx
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You can use mapscript to generate maps without having a mapfile I think. 
I don't use that but I use some kind of template mapfile where I only 
included some Parameters I often use and then add new layers, classes, 
styles ... .

Remember to use ms_new ... Obj(next higher object) for example 

Then you can use save and load method from the mapobject to save/load 
your new map. With this you don't have to do much if you call the script 
a second time.


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