[Mapserver-users] about extent

Norbert Thieme norbert.thieme at ilmenau.baw.de
Mon Jun 7 23:53:46 PDT 2004

boli schrieb:
> Hello EveryBody:
>       I am really confused now.  I have downloaded and installed the tutorial package and that runs well on my conmputer.  But when I checked the map file of "example1-1.map", the extent item there is "EXTENT         201621.496941 -294488.285333 1425518.020722 498254.51151".  While I got the extent from "states_ugl.shp" with "shpinfo", the extent is "-97.23   41.61  -82.12   49.38".  What is wrong?  
> boli
> boli611 at hotmail.com
> 2004-06-08
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This is good like it is. There is nothing wrong. You have to look at the
projections in:


There are two points to have a projection: one for the whole map and one
for each layer. This gives you the handle to use different data and
provide it in one coordinate system. Without it all your data must have
the same projection or you will not see the data together.

When I look at your extents it seems that the map is in some kind of
projection and your data/layer is in geographical coordinates.


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