[Mapserver-users] web mapping project

Eduardo Spremolla edspremolla at Antel.com.uy
Wed Jun 9 09:28:17 PDT 2004

El mié, 09-06-2004 a las 12:29, Jeramie Gatchell escribió:
> I have a project where I need to generate on-demand maps that show a
> marker of some type at various latitudes and longitudes superimposed
> over that area’s local street map (major streets/highways only).
> Is this something that mapserver can handle? 
This is what mapserver is for.

>  Also, how do you get the mapping data? Does that come with mapserver
> or is it available online for free anywhere or how does that work?
It depends on your area, there are many free data sources on the net,
mainly for USA.
In other places you may need get it from a clearing house that charges
for it.

> Thanks a ton for any help, I really appreciate it.
You are welcome.

> Jeramie
Eduardo Spremolla <edspremolla at antel.com.uy>
Antel I+D

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