[Mapserver-users] maps of the US (west coast or more)

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Thu Jun 10 13:52:54 PDT 2004

Jeramie Gatchell wrote:

> I finally got the mapserver running thanks a TON for all the help.
Great, congratulations.
> Does anyone know where I can get maps (down to the street level) for the 
> US (just need the west coast area for now, but all would be fine too)?  
> I found a place that sells the tiger data for $60, which is perfectly 
> fine with me if this is the data I need.

you can down load tiger data from the US census for free, but is is not 
very useful except as a base to convert to shapefiles. Other people have 
used ogr2ogr to convert tiger data to shapefiles. ogr2ogr is part of the 
gdal distribution. You can also download some Census data in shapefile 
format like state, county, and various other polygon boundary files. 
There is also other data available from the various free download sites 
for gis data.


-Steve W.

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