[Mapserver-users] A recap of MUM2

Howard Butler hobu at iastate.edu
Sun Jun 13 18:56:33 PDT 2004


Adena at GIS Monitor has wrote most of this week's issue about the Open 
Source GIS conference (and said that next week's will have some more 
also).  You can find this week's issue at 

Also, I kept some notes of my experience on my weblog at <http://hobu.biz>

It was a fun, exciting, and informative conference.  It was not a 
conference of trodding around a mammoth conference center listening to 
boring sessions (ok, except for maybe my presentation).  If you get a 
chance to go next year, don't miss it.  You'll learn a lot, probably enjoy 
some beverages, and improve your MapServer kung fu immensely.


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