[Mapserver-users] possible cause of rendering problems

bartvde at xs4all.nl bartvde at xs4all.nl
Tue Jun 22 06:36:37 PDT 2004

Hi list,

we had some rendering problems in which we would have around 10 classes in
a LAYER. Not all of the polygon outlines would be drawn.

The problem was caused by using the following CLASS syntax:

            EXPRESSION /654[23]/
            NAME "dok"
            COLOR 255 255 255
                SYMBOL 0
                OUTLINECOLOR 255 0 0
                SIZE 2

So the COLOR was outside the STYLE object.

When we moved the COLOR into the STYLE object, everything worked as expected.

So bottom line: never mingle the old way of doing symbolization with the
new STYLE way of doing it.

Best regards,

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