[Mapserver-users] problem adding north arrow to map

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Wed Jun 23 06:51:10 PDT 2004

The symbol probably should be in the symbol.sym file
Is this the last layer in the mapfile? if not try putting it last so it 
gets drawn on top of the other layers.
Remember that 0,0 is upper left when TRANSFORM FALSE is set so the 
symbol should be placed 250 to the right and 250 down from the top.

-Steve W.

Mark Adams wrote:

> Hi all,
> I’m hoping someone can point out what might be going wrong here.
> Following the instructions in the wiki, I am trying to add a north arrow
> to may map. I’ve got a basic north arrow image (northarrow1.gif), I’ve
> added a pixmap symbol referencing it, and I’ve added a layer to the map.
> However, the GIF never shows. I’ve tried this in both a mapscript app
> and the basic Itasca demo, same result. I know there is nothing wrong
> with the GIF or symbol definition, as it shows fine if I use this symbol
> on a “regular” layer rather than a feature layer. Any ideas? Have I
> defined the feature layer wrongly? Here are my symbol def and layer def:
>   SYMBOL #North Arrow
>     NAME "northarrow1"
>     TYPE pixmap
>     IMAGE "northarrow1.gif"
>   END
>     LAYER
>         NAME "North Arrow"
>         TYPE POINT
>         FEATURE
>           POINTS 250 250 END
>         END
>         CLASS
>             SYMBOL 'northarrow1'
>         END
>   END
> Thanks in advance.
> ------------------------------
> Mark Adams
> Business & Systems Analyst
> Cuesta Systems Inc.
> 5230 South Service Road
> Burlington, ON L7L 5K2
> Phone: 905-333-4544 x14
> Fax: 905-333-0455
> Email: markadams at cuestasys.com

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