[Mapserver-users] Stile problem with SWF and fdb fonts

mapserver at no-log.org mapserver at no-log.org
Thu Mar 18 06:38:05 PST 2004

Hi everyone,

I've the same problem with mapserver, flash rendering and fdb fonts.
When i render a layer which uses fonts and OUTPUT_MOVIE=multiple i get an
internal server error. But no problem with the same mapfile and
OUTPUT_MOVIE=single, all is rendered correctly and no error.

I'm sure that mapserver, gdal, ming, etc are using the sames libs. (i've
recompiled many times mapserver with all possible options and libs
It's the same with mapserver 4.0.1 and latest nightly build.

Thanks in advance :)

PS: If you want to compile mapserver with ming-0.3a edit the mapswf.c and
add a third argument to the function calls SWFMovie_save(). Ming is now
able to use the swf compression with zlib introduced with flash 6 MX.
If it equals to -1 => no compression, if between 0 and 9 compression is

Christophe Beveraggi

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