[Mapserver-users] Zoom to location by string match in query on SHP files.

Frank Rittinger gis at schnegg.net
Fri Mar 26 00:17:34 PST 2004

Hello Richard,

I followed this thread because I was looking for something similar. 
Although, when I try this approach with "mapext=shapes" mapserver tells 
me the file names it would create (I set up templates to print the file 
names etc.), but they are not created.  Switching the mode to browse, 
images are created (but - as expected- no query is performed).  So paths 
etc. are correctly configured.

Do you have any hints, why the image is not created in itemnquery mode?

Regards,	Frank

Richard Greenwood wrote:
> The CGI itemquery and itemnquery modes may be what you are looking for, 
> however they will zoom to the full extent of the feature, not the first 
> vertex. You could, however, have a second layer with just the verticies, 
> zoom to them and also display the road polyline. Here is an example:
>   http://www2.tetonwyo.org/mapserver/mapserv.exe?
>    qstring=438&
>    mode=itemquery&
>    qitem=id&
>    map=tc/tc.map&
>    mapext=shapes&
>    qlayer=Road_CLq&layer=Roads&
>    zoomsize=2&
>    savequery=true&

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