[Mapserver-users] gdal cant find proj library.

Jason M. Nielsen jnielsen at aero-graphics.com
Mon May 3 12:17:09 PDT 2004

Another gdal question. Thought maybe some on this list could help. Seems my
requests for post to the gdal mailing list have been waiting since last week.

[root at localhost NED11342]# gdalwarp -s_srs epsg:4326 -t_srs epsg:26711
DEM11041/W001001.ADF out.tif
ERROR 6: Unable to load PROJ.4 library (libproj.so), creation of
OGRCoordinateTransformation failed.

Anyone know whats going on here? 

Reprojection works fine in ogr and mapserver as well as the proj utilities.
ld.so.conf has /usr/local/lib which contains the libproj files. ldconfig has
been run etc. Im not seeing ldproj show up with ldconfig -v though and
apparently gdal is having an issue with it too. This is all on Fedora Core 1.


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