[Mapserver-users] TILEINDEX question

Martin Weinelt mweinelt at planiglobe.com
Wed May 5 01:43:40 PDT 2004

On Tuesday 04 May 2004 18:36, Jerl Simpson wrote:
> I keep seeing this term TILEINDEX and I have yet to find what it
> actually is, or what it provides.
> I am hoping it helps index the maps, so that when I look at a small
> section of my entire map, it indexes this and speeds up the maps.  And
> doesn't look at the entire US to draw a small area of say, Long Island.
> Can someone point me to a more detailed explanation of this feature?
> Thanks,

Yes, but not quite. The 'TILEINDEX' keyword tells mapserv that a an 
index-shapefile exists that references a proviously tiled dataset. And to use 
that index-shapefile during mapconstruction to achieve faster mapping like 
you described. 

You must tile your dataset and create the index-shapefile beforehand. For 
tiling look in the wiki VectorHOWTO and check the utility programs 'tile4ms' 
and 'shp2tile'.


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