[Mapserver-users] (no subject)

Norbert Thieme norbert.thieme at ilmenau.baw.de
Thu May 6 02:24:43 PDT 2004

Ugan schrieb:
> Hey,
> I’m setting up MapServer 4.0.2 (I got it from the MapServer website) on 
> Windows XP and PHP 4 (I used the install-php4.exe [wise install shield]) 
> to be used with MapLab 2.1-rc3 but I’m missing the php4_mapscript.dl.
> Is this all I need to run PHP MapScript? Could you PLEASE mail me the 
> missing bits or tell me a reliable source to get it from so I can get 
> MapScript, MapServer and MapLab working. [ASAP!] I have already got PHP 
> working.
> Thanks, much appreciated.


I thought that it would be included in the download package. But I think 
that the best location to get it will be


because if I see it right it's also the home of maplab. In this package 
there should be everything you need.


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