[Mapserver-users] DTD's from digitalearth

"Weßling, Achim" Achim.Wessling at gt-net.de
Mon May 10 09:13:21 PDT 2004


does someone has the exception.dtd's and capabilities.dtd's referenced in
the capabilities.xml of mapserver? www.digitalearth.gov isn't responding to
any of the request. So I'd like to put those DTD's on my mapserver.

Mit freundlichem Gruß

Achim Weßling
INFOKOM Gütersloh AöR
Fachbereich Technische Anwendungen
Herzebrocker Str. 140
33334 Gütersloh
Tel.: 05241/85-2926
Achim.Wessling at gt-net.de

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