[Mapserver-users] MapFile reference latest docs?

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at dmsolutions.ca
Wed May 19 06:35:54 PDT 2004


The latest mapfile reference doc can be found at 
http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/doc/mapfile-reference.html .  The GRID 
object was recently added to it, and as far as I know all objects are 


Eduardo Patto Kanegae wrote:
> Does http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/doc40/mapfile-reference.html document 
> list all kind of objects that a MapFile supports?
> I mean, I was wondering if is there any MapFile object that is not 
> currently documented... and if YES, what will be the best the way to get 
> more information about it: looking inside MapServer C sources? browsing 
> MapServer-DEV list archives?
> thanks in advance

Jeff McKenna
GIS Specialist
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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