[Mapserver-users] Can't locate object method "TIEHASH"

Eric Bridger eric at gomoos.org
Fri May 28 05:38:02 PDT 2004

On Fri, 2004-05-28 at 05:54, Agneta Schick wrote:
> Hello mapserver-users,
> I've searched the mail archive and found 2 messages on this topic,
> both were, however, unanswered.
> So I'll try again...
> Platform:
> 	MapServer 4.0.1
> 	solaris 9
> 	Perl 5.8.3
> I want to test an application querying shape files.
> My perl mapscript code
> ...
>   $layer->queryByPoint($tmp_map,$pnt,$mapscript::MS_SINGLE,1000);
>   my $res = $layer->getResult(0);
>   $layer->open();
>   my $shape=new mapscript::shapeObj($layer->{type});
>   my $shape_index = $layer->getShape($shape,-1,$res->{shapeindex});
>   my $table = 
> mapscript::msDBFOpen("/space/b3sn13/webdb/htdocs/ermos/data/usgs.dbf","r+");
> ....
> is terminated with 
> Can't locate object method "TIEHASH" via package "_DBFHandle".
> Is this a mapscript problem or is something missing in the installation?
> (I tried the same perl script on solaris 8, mapserver 3.6.5, perl 5.6
> and got the same error).

This sounds familiar to me but I can't remember the details.

The solution is to not use mapscript's DBF functions. I've never gotten
them to work.  Use some other dbase module. I use XBase.pm
http://search.cpan.org/~janpaz/DBD-XBase-0.241/lib/XBase.pm to do all
dbf access of shapefiles.


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