[Mapserver-users] localhost works but using IP address gives black images

Tyler Mitchell TMitchell at lignum.com
Mon May 31 15:38:07 PDT 2004

Just to confirm - does it run fine from any machine - i.e. locally on the 


mapserver-users-admin at lists.gis.umn.edu wrote on 05/31/2004 02:50:55 PM:

> I hope there is an easy solution here and I promise to help others 
> in my steps!... 
> Once I got the second computer working with Mapserver using 
> "localhost" then changing to point to an IP address using a remote 
> computer browser hitting the ip address of the
> "gisserver"... which does run the program and writes the GIF files 
> to the tmp directory however I get the "black" images again!.  The 
> server is writing them okay...on the /temp
> directory... just not being displayed on the client's
> browser.... any suggestions? I checked permissions and II2 settings 
> ... and still no luck.
> John Wiley,
> Gis Technician

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