proj.4 4.4.9 and mapserver

Ing.Peter Misovic mapserver_konf at CENTRUM.SK
Fri Nov 5 14:34:36 PST 2004

Hello Frank,

Friday, November 5, 2004, 11:06:46 PM, you wrote:

> Ing.Peter Misovic wrote:
>> Hi ,
>> how can I see, it is OK now with sending my messages.Please, my newbie
 >> question is. Must I configure and make mapserver binary again If a configure
 >> and make a new version of proj.4 (4.4.9)?

> Peter,

> Generally speaking that would be a good idea, though in this case I know there
> are no issues with replacing 4.4.8 with 4.4.9 for mapserver.  So, in this case
> you don't have to.

> Best regards,

OK Thaks for Your informations.

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