WFS schemas

N Zhou zhou_naijun at HOTMAIL.COM
Thu Nov 18 06:55:24 PST 2004

Hi Bart,

Thank you for the information. I updated my mapserver to 4.4 in order to add
But namescape doesn't work for the application schema. We also learned that
right now we  cannot use application-level schema.


>From: "Bart van den Eijnden" <bartvde at>
>To: "N Zhou" <zhou_naijun at>, MAPSERVER-USERS at
>Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] WFS schemas
>Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 21:22:01 +0100
>the following bugzilla reports might be of information to you:
>In short, you cannot use your own schema with Mapserver for WFS at the
>moment. You can change the namespace, by using wfs_namespace_prefix, see:
>Hope this helps.
>Best regards,
>On Mon, 15 Nov 2004 14:13:17 -0600, N Zhou <zhou_naijun at HOTMAIL.COM> wrote:
>>I'd highly appreciate your help/suggestion on my question of applying a
>>different schemas in WFS.
>>I sent a WFS DescribeFeatureType request to map server and I got a
>><wfs:FeatureCollection xmlns=""
>>   <import namespace=""
>>schemaLocation="http://myhost/wfsschema/gml/2.1/feature.xsd" />
>>   <element name="ngs" type="myns:ngs_Type"
>>- <complexType name="ngs_Type">
>>- <complexContent>
>>- <extension base="gml:AbstractFeatureType">
>>- <sequence>
>>   <element name="MS_GEOMETRY" type="gml:PointPropertyType"
>>   <element name="PID" type="string" />
>>   <element name="LATITUDE" type="string" />
>>   <element name="LONGITUDE" type="string" />
>>   </sequence>
>>   </extension>
>>   </complexContent>
>>   </complexType>
>>   </schema>
>>Here the feature type "ngs_type" contains a list of elements. I wonder
>>how I
>>can get a response with features and elements defined by a specific
>>(.xsd). I see some wfs schemas under the ows_schemas_location, but I
>>know where I can place my own schema.  Do I need to change the
>>xmlns="" to another namespace, and how?
>>about how schemas in WFS are imported and refered are also appreciated.
>>Thanks a lot!
>>N. Zhou
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