WMS Request Question - possible BBOX bug.

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Wed Nov 24 16:01:01 PST 2004

Tweedy, Scott wrote:
> Leave it to other users to bring something up.  I'm feeding information to
> MapServer through a PHP form (for demonstration purposes) and a user tried
> this combination for the BBOX -89,50,-78.35x,60.0xxxx (my regular expression
> didn't pick up the letters properly).
> The WMS request after this is correct and it produced the proper image, is
> this a bug in MapServer?  I don't know of any projection system that accepts
> letters for a bounding box.  Why didn't the letters crash MapServer or
> simply produce no image?

This is the standard behavior of the atof() function which is used to
parse numbers internally: it stops parsing when it reaches a space or a
non-numeric character (except in the case of the exponential format
(e.g. 1.234e+05) where the letter 'e' can be in the middle of a numeric
value). So basically what you get there is the expected behavior, not
really a bug.

  Daniel Morissette               dmorissette at dmsolutions.ca
  DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/

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