mapserver java servlets

Umberto Nicoletti unicoletti at PROMETEO.IT
Thu Nov 25 01:45:41 PST 2004

Quoting Frank Rittinger <gis at SCHNEGG.NET>:

> Hola Jose,
> On Tuesday 23 November 2004 10:44, Jose Luis Gonzalez wrote:
> > And even worse, when I do any modifications and I put the new .class file
> > in the server, I have an error because it says that the library was
> already
> > loaded, and my only solution now to solve it is to turn off the server and
> > turn it on again.
> External libraries can only be loaded once into Tomcat.

The document on my web explains exactly how to deal this situation.
You must be at least experienced with java web programming as it is not quite
the same as php/asp or cgi (fortunately).

If you find the document difficult to read please let me know and i'll try to
improve it. I will eventually move it to the wiki sooner or after....


 One work-around
> would
> be to create an extra webapp that loads the mapscript library and never gets
> reloaded.  I remember that there was a thread about this in this mailing
> list.
> Regards,        Frank
> --
> Frank Rittinger
> TERRAPLAN Geographische Informationssysteme
> Gewerbestr. 33
> 79227 Schallstadt
> Germany
> Tel.: 07664-505315
> Fax.: 07664-505321

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