gdalwarp for tiling rasters

Jan Hartmann j.l.h.hartmann at UVA.NL
Fri Oct 8 07:30:55 EDT 2004

joerg p wrote:
> Thanks a lot for your explanation!
> But I thought, since I have lots of overlapping parts, I should first
> merge and than tile?
> Joerg

No, that doesn't make any difference. If you merge two files with
overlapping parts, the second one will hide everything from the first
one in the overlapping part. THe same goes for gdalwarp, only here you
have more possibilities to set the extent etc of the output file.

Actually, I'm not sure if gdalwarp couldn't do everything that does now. has a few extra options, but
couldn't these easily be added to gdalwarp? In that case we would have a
general merging and warping tool without dependencies on python.


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