Projection - how to specify?

Tyler Mitchell tylermitchell at SHAW.CA
Mon Oct 11 11:53:22 PDT 2004

I'm not a projections guru, but I suspect it will look something like the 
following.  Note that I'm just throwing this together to give you an idea - 
and to give others something to correct :)

Hope it helps you!


 "proj=lcc"  # Projection name
 "lat_0=-37" # Latitude origin
 "lon_0=145"  # Central meridian

On October 10, 2004 10:58 pm, Nick Dabner wrote:
> How would this VicGrid/AGD66 projection be specified in mapserver? It
> is an Australian projection focused around the state of Victoria.
> Lambert Conformal Conic
>                 Std Parallel 1:                  36S
>                 Std Parallel 2:                  38S
>                 Central Meridian:              145E
>                 Origin:                                    37S
>                 Unit:                               Metre
>                 False Easting:                  2,500,000 m
>                 False Northing:                4,500,000 m
> Many thanks in advance.
> Nick Dabner

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