text behind linework.

Ken Lord kenlord at GMAIL.COM
Fri Oct 22 16:05:48 PDT 2004

Hey Blammo,  take a close look at the documentation and some of these
things are listed.

The text is on top because of label settings in the map file either
set or defaulted to force labels to be drawn last.  Turn it off and
the text will be at the level of its layer in the mapfile.


On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 17:41:34 -0500, Blammo <bob.basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us> wrote:
> All,
> How can TEXT be placed behind the linework?
> I want to have a backgroud text layer.  I tried adding the layer to the
> top of the MAP file and then moved it to the bottom. It displayed
> different in relation to other text layers, but still stays above the
> linework layers that I want it to be below.
> Maybe Grouping will help.  But how to index the GROUP name in the MAP file
> bobb

Ken Lord B.Sc., A.Dipl.T.H.
Burnaby BC,

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