CLASS in raster layer (Was: Mapscript - problem with binary grid (ADF))

Marcin Zajączkowski mszpak at WP.PL
Sat Oct 30 13:45:18 PDT 2004

Dnia 2004-10-30 19:11, Użytkownik Bart van den Eijnden napisał:
> I ran into the same problem in August 2004 (the thread is called raster
> legends). Paul Spencer then suggested using KEYIMAGE but I never gave it
> a  try.

I tried it. KEYIMAGE has to be in CLASS and we return to start point.
Actually I paint icons in legend only for shapes
(Class->createLegendIcon()). For rasters there is only text read from
METADATA. Maybe I add custom image painted via GD or image read from
file (via METADATA). It will depend on final maps which will had to
displayed (and solutions which I will find :) ).

> BTW: a shame you can't google the new listserv for the Mapserver
> mailing  list (or am I missing something?), I even don't know if linking
> to a  message will work, I'll give it a try though:

I agree wtih You. To look into list archive user has to be logged in. I
don't know why it's required. If it's protection against SPAM then I
think that modified/hidden email address is less painful.

> This was the thread I am referring to:

I have to modified it with my email address, but finally I've got content.

Thanks You both for help

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