Dashed Outline

Monica Socol monicasocol at CUESTASYS.COM
Tue Sep 7 09:27:52 PDT 2004

It is possible. You have to define a new symbol into .symbols file for a
dashed line.
Then you have to define 2 styles for that class:
- The first one will have the colour for the filling or the symbol for
the interior or the polygon.
- The second style defines the line (symbol, size, colour).
I found out that if I put everything in one style, the symbol and size
are applied to the interior, not to the line. But it works with 2
separate styles.

Monica Socol
Systems Architect
Cuesta Systems Inc.
5230 South Service Rd., Burlington L7L 5K2
tel: 905.333.4544 ext 30
fax: 905.333.0455
e-mail: monicasocol at cuestasys.com

-----Original Message-----
From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On
Behalf Of Titus von der Malsburg
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 12:27 PM
Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Dashed Outline

I want the outline of a polygon (esri world base country layer) to be
dashed, but couldn't find anything about how to achieve this.  No
documentation, no mapfile snippets.  Is it possible at all to have
dashed outlines?

A hack, that seems to work is
 * duplicate the layer in the mapfile
 * say TYPE POLYGON to the one
 * and TYPE LINE to the other
 * the first defines the filling
 * the latter the outline


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