Dashed Outline

Titus von der Malsburg malsburg at CL.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE
Tue Sep 7 10:43:02 PDT 2004


it worked.  Thank you!  But how did you figure it out?

Mapservers documentation is everything else than complete.  But the
worse problem is that the mapfile format isn't logical at all (at least
I don't catch the logic).  Maybe I should start to read the source code,
which seems to be the only authoritative and exhaustive source of
information. :-/

Thanks again,

On Tue, Sep 07, 2004 at 12:27:52PM -0400, Monica Socol wrote:
> It is possible. You have to define a new symbol into .symbols file for a
> dashed line.
> Then you have to define 2 styles for that class:
> - The first one will have the colour for the filling or the symbol for
> the interior or the polygon.
> - The second style defines the line (symbol, size, colour).
> I found out that if I put everything in one style, the symbol and size
> are applied to the interior, not to the line. But it works with 2
> separate styles.

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