buffering of layers

Bart van den Eijnden bartvde at XS4ALL.NL
Fri Sep 10 00:02:31 PDT 2004

Hi Sudip,

sounds like you are doing a lot of spatial analysis lately, please look
into PostGIS as a database backend for your application.

Mapserver can do some spatial analysis, but certainly not all. So store
your data in PostGIS and let PostGIS do the analysis work would be my 2

Best regards,

> Hello ,
>     i am working upon a GIS project using PHP-mapscript and mapserver in
> windows environment.
>     But the problem is my task ask me to label all those portions of the
> map(which is ofcourse
> genetated by polygonal shapefile)which are within a given distance away
> from a line layer.
>    Please help me in solving this problem.
>    Thanks.

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