Help with regular expression

Berend Veldkamp berend.veldkamp at ARIS.NL
Fri Sep 10 07:37:15 EDT 2004

I thought of that, but it would not catch "012" or "990". I want only
those records that don't start with exactly 3 zeroes.


Daniele Margotti wrote:

> Try:
> "expression /^[1-9]{3}/"
> If the attribute can start with letters (other than numbers):
> "expression /^[A-Z,a-z,1-9]{3}/"
> And if you want, for example, an (numerical) attribute *not* starting
> with "123":
> "expression /^[0,2-9][0-1,3-9][0-2,4-9]/"
> Tell me if it works.
>       Daniele


Berend Veldkamp - ARIS

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