symbology question

Bart van den Eijnden bartvde at XS4ALL.NL
Fri Sep 10 14:04:48 EDT 2004


you could use Mapserver's SLD (Styled Layer Descriptor) interface for
that, that's an OGC standard to do this kind of stuff.

Best regards,

On Fri, 10 Sep 2004 12:06:43 -0500, Edward Glamkowski
<eglamkowski at MY.BOMIS.COM> wrote:

> Hello all - my company is considering the use of MapServer, but we have
> a specific need and we'd like to know if MapServer can do it.
> Our client wants to be able to view maps on the web, but also be able
> to change the symbology of the web-map on the fly.
> Like in ESRI's ArcMap, in the layer pane if you double click a symbol you
> get a Layer Properties dialog from which you can change the Symbology.
> We'd like to do a similar dialog for a web map, though just for
> symbology,
> and are wondering if MapServer supports something like that.
> Thanks!

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