WCS - windows implementation

Pericles S. Nacionales nacional at CBS.UMN.EDU
Thu Sep 16 11:51:02 EDT 2004


Check the MapServer wiki and http://hypnos.cbs.umn.edu/~pnaciona/wcs/.
Steve Lime and Tom Burk has a presentation on WCS available for download
at http://www.omsug.ca/osgis2004/proceedings.html.

You ask about its usefulness...  there are a few bugs that still need
fixing, the most important of which (to me) is the output image
referencing.  See MapServer bugzilla for pending WCS issues.

There's still no windows binary available with WCS because I'm unable to
compile the WCS support in Windows.  Perhaps you can ask the DM
Solutions' folks or Frank Warmerdam to give it a try.  I know a few
other people looking/waiting for WCS support in MapServer on Windows.

MapServer supports 8-,16-, and 32-bit raster data.  The URL I gave above
has a demo that uses 16-bit rasters and can output 16-bit single-layer
rasters.  I don't know if MapServer's WCS implementation supports 16-bit
RGBs output but I guess that would also depend on GDAL library.

Good luck!

On Thu, 2004-09-16 at 09:48, Norman Barker wrote:
> Hi,
> I am interested in the MapServer WCS.  Currently I can't find any
> documentation on
> the MapServer WCS, are there any presentations anywhere?
> Also is it useable at the moment, and is there a windows binary
> anywhere, or is it solely
> for Linux.
> I particularly want to serve 16 bit tiff data, so any information would
> be greatly appreciated.
> Norman

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